Faculty Research Awards

Information and Application

The Leslie Center awards funding of up to a maximum of $6,500 in any given academic year to faculty to support distinguished research or creative projects with a significant humanities component. Colleagues serving on the Leslie Center Advisory Committee will not be eligible for these awards, and preference may be given to faculty members who have not received funding from college sources during the past three years.

The nature and area of research are not stipulated in advance, but applicants are asked to indicate clearly both the significance and practicality of the projects for which they seek support, and to explain how their work will be advanced by an award.

Awards could be applied to research travel, but will generally not be awarded for computer or other major hardware purchases. The Center reserves the right not to make awards if applications appear not to warrant them.

Submission of an application represents a commitment on the part of the faculty member to send a brief (one-page maximum, single spaced, 12-pt. font) report on the use of any awarded funds and their impact on the designated research project. Reports must be submitted within 60 days of the end of the award coverage period. In addition, over the longer term, please inform the Leslie Center of completion of any project to which Humanities Center funds will have contributed, so that we may acknowledge your success!

The Leslie Center Advisory Committee meets once a month, excluding December, July and August.  Applications should be submitted at least two months prior to the date of the event or activity for which funding is being requested so that the Advisory Committee has sufficient time to consider them. 


Step 1:  Complete the budget worksheet (link below) and save it to your computer.  You will be asked to upload it in the application.

Faculty Research Award Budget Worksheet

Step 2:  Before you open the application form, please log in to your Dartmouth Google account using your Dartmouth email address.

NOTE:  You will not be able to open the form using your personal Google account.

Step 3: After you've logged in to your Dartmouth Google account (step 1 above), click here to open the Faculty Research Award application form.