Discuss Your Work with Experts
Faculty with projects addressing humanities themes and methods, who would like to have their work reviewed, are encouraged to contact the Leslie Center for more information about how to submit a proposal. Reviewers include Dartmouth faculty and experts from other institutions, and are chosen by the Director of the Leslie Center in consultation with the author.
If an author's proposal has been accepted, the Leslie Center will organize the one-day seminar—inviting the internal and external participants, and, for the latter, arranging for their travel, lodging, and honoraria. The manuscript must be submitted by the author no later than six weeks before the date of the seminar.
The manuscript review meeting is only open to faculty specifically invited by the Director of the Leslie Center. Faculty members are not eligible to participate in this program in the academic year in which they are up for tenure or promotion.
The manuscript review is described further in this Dartmouth news article.
The Manuscript Review Program is funded with the generous support of the Robert L. Swartz Fund.