Student Research Fellows in Nineteenth-Century Studies - 2025-26

2025-26 Fellow Position Description, Application Process, and Deadline


  • Students who were enrolled in Humanities 1 in Fall 2024 and/or Humanities 2 in Winter 2025 are eligible to apply to become a Research Fellow in Nineteenth-Century studies for one term (Fall, Winter or Spring ) in the 2025-26 academic year.


  • One course in C19, taken either in the first year of study (before the research fellowship) or the second year of study (during the research fellowship) at Dartmouth; this course can be in any department but is subject to vetting/approval by the selection committee.


  • One quarter in AY 2025-26, excluding Summer term (Fall, Winter or Spring of sophomore year)

Work Expectations and Stipend: 

  • Research support for the faculty advisor 
  • Independent research: Students may choose to design and execute a research project focused on C19.  This project can grow from C19 work first developed in Humanities 1-2, or can be a new project developed in the course of the research fellowship. (This may be a "one-off" or lay the groundwork for an independent study or honors thesis project.)
  • Please note that the project can grow from but needs to be substantially different from work first undertaken in Humanities 1-2. Students may not receive funding and academic credit for the same research and students may not receive funding from more than one source for the same research. 
  • Research presentation: The student will give a 15-20 minute presentation and receive feedback from members of the C19 faculty group either a) on an independent research project or b) on research carried out for their faculty advisor.
  • Hours: Students are expected to work on this fellowship for 7-12 hours per week throughout the academic term (approximate total of 100 hours).
  • Stipend: A stipend of $2,000 will be issued at the end of the term, contingent on on the faculty mentor's confirmation of the completion of the fellowship. Timesheets are not required since payment is via stipend rather than hourly wages, but it is strongly recommended that students maintain a document tracking the time spent on the research and the tasks accomplished.

To apply:

  • Please provide a statement of purpose (no more than 500 words) to Professors Boggs ( and McGillen ( Explain why you are interested in this opportunity, how you are or plan to be prepared for this work, and what topics you wish to explore.  The statement of purpose is due Tuesday, April 1.
  • Interviews will take place April 15-30, 2025.
  • Final selection and notification will take place by mid-May, 2025.

Please contact Professor Boggs ( or Professor McGillen ( with questions regarding this opportunity.