Jonathan Crewe Fellowship Information and Application
The Leslie Center will offer two fellowships per academic year to Dartmouth Associate Professors in Arts and Humanities as well as Humanistic Interdisciplinary Studies. Each fellowship provides one course release and the opportunity to share ongoing research with Leslie Center colleagues in an annual seminar session. Selection will prioritize projects that further the Humanities generally and require particularly concentrated time investments.
Fellowships may be combined with other teaching leaves, but do not affect R-terms or other faculty obligations.
Applications for the AY 2025-26 Jonathan Crewe Fellowships are due by 11:59 pm EST on Monday, March 3, 2025.
Application requirements:
1. Leslie Center Jonathan Crewe Fellowship Application
2. C.V.
3. Research Proposal: a statement of your plan of research and the significance of this work to your long-term scholarly program. The proposal must be limited to two pages, single-spaced and accessible to non-specialist members of the Leslie Center Faculty Advisory Committee.
4. Research Schedule: A) the overall project timeline, and B) the timeline of work specific to the term of the course release
5. Department/Program Chair endorsement that includes an explanation of how the department will accommodate the proposed absence from teaching (250 words max). The Department/Program Chair should submit the endorsement directly by sending it to