Dartmouth Philosophy Professor Awarded Mellon Fellowship
Adina Roskies, an associate professor in the department of philosophy, has been awarded a New Directions Fellowship by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
[more]Adina Roskies, an associate professor in the department of philosophy, has been awarded a New Directions Fellowship by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
[more]Listen to the podcast with Shalini Ayyagari
[more]turkle.jpg Sherry Turkle, author of the new book Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. (photo by Peter Urban)
[more]Larry Polansky, the Jacob H. Strauss 1922 Professor in Music, and Mary Essex, a visiting scholar in American Sign Language (ASL), have invited ASL poetry duo The Flying Words Project to perform at Dartmouth on Saturday, November 6. This invitation is part of Polansky’s effort to increase awareness of deaf and ASL poetry both at the College and in the Upper Valley.
[more]Dartmouth College is hosting several programs related to ledger art of the Plains Indians during the fall term. The Hood Museum of Art has two exhibitions on display, and the Leslie Center for the Humanities is devoting its fall institute to the topic.