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Tsering Wangmo Dhompa is the author of three collections of poetry: My rice tastes like the lake, In the Absent Everyday, and Rules of the House (all from Apogee Press, Berkeley). My rice tastes like the lake was a finalist for the Northern California Independent Bookseller’s Book of the Year Award for 2012. Dhompa's first non-fiction book, Coming Home to Tibet, was published by Shambhala Publications in 2016.
She teaches creative writing and is completing a PhD degree in Literature at the University of California in Santa Cruz where most recently she was the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Fellow on Non-citizenship 2016-17.
In collaboration with the Norwich Bookstore, copies of Tsering’s books will be available for purchase at the event.
Sponsored by the Leslie Center for the Humanities, the Asian Societies, Cultures and Languages program, the Department of English and Creative Writing, and the Department of Anthropology