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Collettivo ticon3
Nora Ciottoli, Diana Danelli, Elena Parati are the members of ticon3. They work both with other artists and on individual projects (Arte-Ambiente, In-quiete, Da-z).
Their first work together was a project entitled Zeitkammer, created for the hall of the Chancellery in Castel Velturno (Feldthurns/Bozen). There, using photos and videos, they created two installations in an exhibit curated by Silvia Bordini (September, 2009).
Additional work: “Sguardodalfiume 01/5”, Lodi (2010); “Isole”, Milano (2010); “UrbanScreen: aquae”, Lodi (2011); Galleria PUG, Milano-Pero (2011); Aquae e Matrici, Lodi (2011); “Osservatorio Modulare”, annual exibit“Naturarte”, Lodi and S. Colombano al Lambro (2012); “Erbe, erbacce, interfacce e limiti”, periodic exhibit “Mattonelle d’artista”, Fondazione Banca Popolare, Lodi (2013); annual exhibit “DonnEuropArte”, Roma (2013); Festival Cinque Giornate/Five Day Festival, Milano (2014); collective exhibit NaturaORDINEDISORDINE curated by Elisa Resegotti, Giardino di Pianamola, Bassano Romano, VT (2015); annual exhibit c-DAP più che danza, Teatro dell'Arte, Milano (2015), "Tesseratto#01 Acusmonium Audior", Macao, Milano (2017); “Naturarte1998-2017, XX edition, Fondazione BiPielle, Lodi (2017); "Immagini di carta 01" curated by Silvia Bordini, Chiesa dell'Angelo, Lodi (2017); "Fatti di terra", Stanza - Ci sono cieli dappertutto, Narni/TR (2017-2018).
Nora Ciottoli After a few years as a restorer of paintings, Nora Ciottoli was the curator of the Davide Lajolo Foundation in Milan. At the Foundation, she organized meetings symposia and exhibits, and edited a number of articles between 2001 and 2003. Her work is devoted to exploring the intersections between digitally manipulated pictures and poetry. She works with visual material from archives and creates digital photo books. Some of her work has been selected to participate in national festivals and competitions such as the 12th edition of the “Riccardo Pezza National Prize of Photography” (2007), and also “Imballaggi poetici", where she presented her work of poetry in images (Cagliari, 2008). She participated in the “Premio Celeste /The Celeste Competition” (her work was included in the catalogues) (2008), and in “Final Cut”, a collective show (Milan, 2010).
Diana Danelli works on the theory and practice of Electronic Arts. She holds a degree in Philosophy (Aesthetics), and has created her original concept of “Immaterial Robotics” that she describes in the essay “For a Digital and Low Density Sculpture” included in the collective work: In a fire that shapes them (Prometheus Ed., 2000). She is the author of other essays on “Cybernetic Opera” in a collective papers entitled Man and the Machine, thirty years later (Laterza ed., 2000) and in Art, Electronics and Genetics (Torino, Trauben). Also "Eso-Uomini. L'uomo fuori di sè" (ExoHumans. The man beside himself) in AaVv, Arts and techniques in the twentieth century. Mario Costa Studies, (Kaiak Editions, 2017). She has taught the art of multimedia installations and video installations at the Academy of Santa Giulia in Brescia, Italy. Her work includes net art, multi-media installations, live media, videos. Curator of some video exhibitions and artistic director of "Vox Humana" (Acusmatic Music and Video) in St. Christopher Church, Lodi, 2016 and "Play the Light" (videoperformances) in Angel’s Church, Lodi, 2017.
Elena Parati is a journalist, writer and producer of programs for television. She attended and graduated from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. In her art she uses photography and video. Her works includes: Dynamic Press, video and installation (1999), “Tra le mie dita innamorate/Between my fingers in Love”, video documentary (2002), “Angeli e merc-atto/ Angels and Market”-act created with the group In-quiete, which was a site-specific and relational intervention in urban space. Dittici (2015) and Piumini (2017) are two self-published photobooks.