2023-24 Faculty Publications in the Arts & Humanities

The Leslie Center for the Humanities celebrates publications by Dartmouth faculty in the Arts and Humanities, published between January 1, 2023 and May 1, 2024.

Each spring, the Leslie Center for the Humanities honors the Dartmouth College faculty in the Arts and Humanities who have released publications.  This is an annual opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of our faculty and their contribution to the humanities, putting their work on display for our community to engage with and discuss. We continue the practice this spring with our 2023-24 Faculty Publication Spotlight. This collection includes scholarly monographs, creative writing, edited journals, anthologies, translations, and musical scores, among other projects, published between January 1, 2023 and May 1, 2024.

We welcome everyone to explore the scope of ideas presented in these publications: 2023-24 Publication Spotlight PDF Document