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The Dartmouth Conversations: Antiracism and The Humanities Series presents "The Antiracist Syllabus Workshop" with Dr. Raul Palma of Ithaca College.
The syllabus, as many have come to embrace it, is a contract between the student and the professor. It sets the terms of engagement, outlining various policies, from academic dishonesty to cell phone etiquette. It also establishes the scope and depth of the course's learning outcomes and contributes to the class culture. But what assumptions inform syllabus design? When do those assumptions derive from Eurocentric epistemologies? "The Antiracist Syllabus Workshop" will begin by introducing the practice of an antiracist syllabus, along with the kind of work that needs to be done in order to build one. Participants will be invited to examine their own syllabi, from policies to readings.
Raul Palma (he/him) is an Assistant Professor of Writing at Ithaca College. He earned his Ph.D. in English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he also specialized in creative writing and ethnic studies. Presently, he serves as the faculty advisor to Stillwater Magazine. His research interests include creative writing studies, Cuban American studies, narrative ethics, and diversity studies. Palma's fiction has been included in Best Small Fictions 2018 and distinguished/notable in Best American Short Stories 2016. Additionally, his work has been supported with fellowships and scholarships from the CubaOne Foundation, the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center, the Santa Fe Writer's Conference, the Sewanee Writer's Conference, and the Sundress Academy for the Arts.
Join us for this event with Dr. Raul Palma on Tuesday, November 17th at 4:00pm.
You may RSVP by writing to the Leslie Center at
This event is sponsored by the Leslie Center for the Humanities, the Program in Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies, Consortium of Studies in Race, Migration and Sexuality, and DCAL.