Humanities Publishing at Routledge: A Talk with Three Editors

Editors Genevieve Aoki, Andrew Beck and Amy Davis-Poynter of the multinational publisher Routledge will present an adacemic publishing talk on Monday, February 24th for the Leslie Center for the Humanities.

Three editors from the multinational publisher, Routledge, will be on campus Monday, Febraury 24th, to present a talk on academic publishing in the humanities.

There are also opportunities for one-on-one sessions with the editors if you have specific questions related to your book project. This is highly recommended for anyone working in the subject areas in which these editors focus. Genevieve Aoki publishes in Music, Andrew Beck in Philosophy and Amy Davis-Poynter in Classics and Bible Studies.

To schedule an appointment to discuss your current project with the Routledge editors, please write to the Leslie Center Administrator, Mary Fletcher, at Please note that there are a limited number of time slots available for the individual meetings.

The publishing talk will be held at 4:30pm in Haldeman Room 246.