Top Stories

  • "Discover Cinema From Within"

    Explore Italian culture through documentary filmmaking with filmmakers Luca Ragazzi and Gustav Hofer. Events will take place October 22-27, 2024. Some events will require registration or response. Please watch for details and additional information.

    Luca Ragazzi and Gustav Hofer
  • Masterclass with Artist Schandra Singh

    Sponsored by the Leslie Center for the Humanities, the Department of Film & Media Studies, the Department of Art History, and the Hood museum of Art at Dartmouth College.

    Master Class with artist Schandra Singh
  • Jerusalem as Messianic Battlefield

    A conversation with Rachel Feldman and Sidra De Koven Ezrahi - Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 4:30-6:00 pm - Dartmouth Hall 104. Sponsored by the Leslie Center for the Humanities and Jewish Studies at Dartmouth.

    Conversation with Rachel Feldman and Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi
  • Free Screening of "The Resurrection of Victor Jara"

    The film's producer, Juan Carlos Vallejo will be joining us to discuss the film and its creation, alongside a discussion with Professors Peter DeShazo (LALACS and GOV) and Jorge Cuéllar (LALACS). Mon. May 6, 5—6:30 pm, Loew Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 

    victor jara
  • A Community Gathering on Performing Care, 5/7-5/11

    Join us for the culminating event of the 2024 Humanities Institute on Promiscuous Care and Performance, a community gathering with speakers and performers Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Josefina Báez, Katia Tirado and Barak adé Soleil.

    Community Gathering Poster

"Humanities Work" 2025 Winter/Spring Humanities Institute

We're celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Leslie Center with the Spring 2025 Humanities Institute: HUMANITIES WORK.

Week I "Humanities Work: Questions and Methods" April 7-11
Week II "Humanities Work: Impacts" April 21-25
Week III  "Humanities Work: Careers and Networks" May 12-16

Stay tuned for the full program, as well as opportunities to apply for a "Humanities Work" Institute Fellowship (students and faculty).





Student Funding Opportunities

The Leslie Center offers to two kinds of funding to Dartmouth students pursuing research and career opportunities in the humanities: Student Research Fellowships and Student Professional Development Fellowships.

Student Research Fellowships offer up to $1,800 for faculty-supervised research or creative projects in the humanities.

Student Professional Development Fellowships offer up to $1,800 for participation in unpaid internships or attendance at scholarly meetings.

learn more
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Faculty Project Funding

The Leslie Center awards fellowships to full- or part-time faculty of any rank, undergraduate students, and graduate students to support distinguished research or creative projects.

Explore funding opportunites HERE.